Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Running the AMQP Scripts Using Pan

Use a *.bat file to allow for repeated execution from a scheduler.


  1. Use spoon to configure the step as described here.
  2. Save the script, and remember the location.
  3. Open a command prompt or save the following steps into a *.bat file.
  4. Navigate to the kettle directory.
    cd C:\Kettle\data-integration\
  5. Run Pan.
    The full path is currently required to run pan.bat if running from a *.bat file.
  6. Add any parameters you need to the process:
    1. The file value specifies which Kettle job to run.
    2. The level value specifies which level of Kettle logging to record.
    3. The value of any named parameters set in the transform can optionally be passed using the –param switch.
  7. It is recommended to send the Kettle log to a file rather than let it go to the command line. The use of the > sends the output to the specified file. The use of >> will append the output to the specified file.
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